Master's in Forensic Toxicology and Analytical Genetics - Applications Being Received
As the flagship university in the Commonwealth, the University of Kentucky provides the only Master's of Forensic Toxicology and Analytical Genetics (or degree of comparable nature) in the state, and it is only the fifth such professional master’s degree in the field of forensics in the nation.
Two-Year Forensics Program
This two-year program has two areas of concentration: one concentration is focused on forensic toxicology/chemistry and the second on forensic/analytical genetics. Through the common core curriculum, students in both concentrations will have foundational information and skill set in advanced forensic science, writing, communication, professionalism, ethics, legal perspectives, and workplace-specific laboratory skills. Through a rigorous targeted finishing curriculum in either concentration, including internship experiences and cognate elective courses, the graduates will be competitive for workforce deployment in the areas of private industry drug testing, private DNA analysis, forensic governmental divisions, and hospital clinical labs.
For information on tuition costs please click here.
Instrumentation and Facilities
The program provides hands-on practice with teaching-dedicated equipment including: GC-MS; LC; polarimeter; UV spec, etc. For students conducting laboratory/independent research projects, state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and equipment include GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, tandem LC-MS, FTIR spectrometer, NMR, PCR, Real-Time PCR, HiSeq 2500, MiSeq, Capillary sequencers, Pyrosequencer, Luminex analyzer, and Bioanalyzers.
For more information on Instrumentation and Facilities, click here.
Internship and Career Opportunities
The internship sites, which will be private industry, governmental, hospital or another appropriate setting providing real-world training in practices and procedures of forensic toxicology or analytical genetics. These internship experiences are designed to provide employment opportunities in many forensic related areas including private industry drug testing, private DNA analysis, forensic governmental divisions, and hospital clinical labs.
For more information on Internships, click here.
For more information on Career Opportunities, click here
Program Faculty

Dr. Isabel Mellon, PhD
Dr. Mellon is a long-time member of the teaching and research faculty of the department of toxicology and cancer biology. She teaches graduate courses in molecular biology and genetics, advanced nucleic acids and ethics in scientific research, and an undergraduate honors course in ethics, science and society. Her scientific research has focused on molecular and genetic mechanisms of DNA repair pathways and their relationships to human disease and heritable genetic disorders. Dr. Mellon is a co-founder of this Master of Forensic Toxicology and Analytical Genetics degree and she is the inaugural director of the forensic/analytical genetics concentration.
See the faculty who teach courses in our Professional Forensic Master's Program.
The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington, the heart of the Bluegrass state. Students will have access to an assortment of internship opportunities including those located in Lexington to work in the industry, government and medical forensic and genetic analysis laboratories.
The central lab of the Kentucky State Police is located within a short distance in Frankfort, Kentucky.
The program is housed within the department of toxicology and cancer biology, and together with an array of departments and centers associated with a leading edge medical center, they represent an abundance of biomedical science. Faculty in the department span several additional colleges within the university including chemistry, pharmacy, and agriculture. Students are provided with access to state of the art educational resources, instrumentation and facilities that support advanced professional education in forensic chemistry and forensic DNA analysis.

Contact Us
Isabel Mellon, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology
University of Kentucky
Bosomworth Health Science Research Building
Lexington, KY 40536
Business Office
1095 Veterans Drive
HSRB Room 306
Lexington, KY 40536
If you would like to reach the Education Coordinator, please contact us at